The Rhino Sanctuary In Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya
Rhino Sanctuary in Kenya – Lake Nakuru National Park is the only place in Kenya where the rhino sanctuary was first established and currently Lake Nakuru National Park has got the highest number of rhinos in the entire Kenyan country. The rhinos were introduced in Lake Nakuru National Park in 1984 and this is the time when the government started the Rhino sanctuary within Lake Nakuru National Park
Only two adults rhinos started the rhino sanctuary in Lake Nakuru National Park and these 2 rhinos were got from Kitengala and the Lewa Downs and later some other rhinos were brought and as it standers now the rhino sanctuary within Lake Nakuru National Park has over 150 rhinos which are both white and black.
The rhino sanctuary in Lake Nakuru National Park was a strategic intervention by the government of Kenya to address the declining rhino species which are rare and endangered across the Kenyan country. And thus the government decide to start up the rhino sanctuary within the Lake Nakuru National Park to save the rhinos from the poacher who was killing the rhinos.
The setup of the Rhino sanctuary in Lake Nakuru National Park was established with the help of the Rhino Rescue Charitable Appeal Trust and later the government of Kenya started the 1st rhino sanctuaries the one of Lake Nakuru National Park that was established in 1987 and when the kit was opened, seventeen rhino from the private ranch in silo were added to the first two rhinos and further eleven more rhinos were added to this designated sanctuary.
Lake Nakuru National Park was chosen as the best place to introduce the Rhino sanctuary simply because the park was tested before as the bird sanctuary and thus it was just a matter of acquiring more land where the rhinos would stay. Lake Nakuru was also an important factor in setting up the rhino sanctuary in Lake Nakuru National Park. The reason here is that the rhinos need water daily and thus the presence of the lake was so considerate and also the vegetation within Lake Nakuru National Park was perfect for both white and black rhinos and thus Lake Nakuru National Park was the best destination for the setting up the rhino sanctuary.
Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the wonderful game drives over 23 game drives in Kenya covering over a total area of about 188 kilometers and over 40 kilometers are covered by the wonderful lake Nakuru and the rest of the land is covered by savannah grassland and woodlands. Lake Nakuru is home to over 400 bird species and more than 50 mammal species that include the being talked about black and white rhinos. Lake Nakuru National Park is found 140 kilometers North West of Nairobi city in central Kenya in the Great Rift Valley.
Immediately, the rhinos were introduced in Lake Nakuru National Park, the Kenyan government embarked on constructing the electric fence around the whole of Lake Nakuru to ensure that the rhinos are safety protected and conserved. About 188 square kilometers fence was constructed and this means that now the whole of Lake Nakuru National Park is properly fenced. The fencing around Lake Nakuru National Park is comprised of high intensive steel wire wooden posts and electric insulators. It was intentionally made electric to scare away those who would-be intruders.
The first time rhinos step at the sanctuary within the Lake Nakuru National Park, they are first held in the holding pens before they were released to go to the wild to join others that came first. These animals are held because they need to adjust to the environment first as well as get used to other rhinos such that when they are released fights are minimal and reduced
Most of the records for each rhino brought into Lake Nakuru National Park are maintained and it is very easy to do this because it is a Rhino sanctuary where all the records are kept. These records are important in helping to know whether the new rhinos are getting used to the new environment and also for easy planning and management of the rhinos.
Rhinos are one of the 5 mammals and they are the second huge after elephants and they are part of the big 5 animals within the wild because of their aggressiveness and resistance that they take when attached by the predators or attached by the poachers. Black rhinos always feed on in the bushy areas while the white rhinos feed in grasslands however water is very important in the daily life of rhinos and they cannot live without water. This means that they must be close to the water bodies.
At the moment, the rhino sanctuary in Lake Nakuru National Park features over 150 rhinos with the majority of the rhinos being white Rhinos and the other being black Rhinos. The rhino sanctuary also presents the rare Rothschild’s giraffe and then visits Lake Nakuru National Park. You will be able to see all the rhinos together with other mammals and bird species that do live within the premium park.
Therefore, come and visit Lake Nakuru National Park as you spend most of the time with the rhinos in the Rhino sanctuary in Lake Nakuru National Park