Short Rwanda Gorilla Safaris

Best Uganda Birding Safaris

3-day Uganda mountain gorilla trekking safari starts in Kampala and ends at Entebbe international airport in Uganda. It involves meeting eye to-eye with the magical mountain gorillas

Where can I can get the Kenya emergency numbers when on holiday?

Where can I can get the Kenya emergency numbers when on holiday?

Where can I can get the Kenya emergency numbers when on holiday?

Where can I can get the Kenya emergency numbers when on holiday? At times most of us may face some of the challenges that you might not anticipate while planning our visitation to the nay travel destination. In other words, things might not be the way we have planned them either when at your hotel in Kenya or when you’re at your destination in Kenya. Usually, some emergencies can happen amidst your most experiencing vacation safaris and what is important is to know best how to handle the emergency situations

One of the ways of handling the emergency once it happens on your safari is by having the emergency numbers which you can immediately ring or dial for your rescue. such emergency numbers can be safely kept in your phone or you can put them on a piece of paper that your keep in your handbag and also you can be smart enough to have them off your head such that in case something happens then you will be able to remember them without seeing anywhere but I think the best way is to note them somewhere.

It is very useful that as a responsible traveler you get to know the numbers of the country that you wish to visit even before you get to land on the plane to that particular country, even after you have arrived, then you need to have also the contact of the hotel person especially the front desk office and this is also very useful for your safari vacation.  It’s good as well to make sure that you have the countries embassy or consulate. These are very useful because they can be helpful when getting the very serious problem  and in case you have got the emergency  that requires urgent medical attention, ambulance, the police emergency then you are advised to make sure that you get the emergency numbers of the respective organizations and dial them quickly

There are several contacts that you can make and calls when you get an emergency in Kenya and such numbers include;

Fire Brigade +254 (0) 20 2222181/2

Nairobi Police Headquarters +254 (0) 20 27177777 / 240000

Flying Squad Pangani +254 (0) 20 3761111

Central Police Station +254 (0) 20 2216183

KIA (Kenya Airports Police Unit) +254 (0) 20 823888

Ambulance +112/999

Kenya Tourist Police +254 (0) 20 2727844

Mombasa +254 (0) 41 2222121

Nakuru +254 (0) 51 22117417

St. John’s Ambulance +254 (0) 20 2210000

AAR Emergency Ambulance +254 (0) 20 2717374

Police Hotline 112/999

The number of the Criminal Intelligence Department at the Headquarters in Nairobi +254 (0) 20 3648000/90

Once you call these numbers when you get an emergency, then you will be able to get help immediately when you’re on the Kenya safari vacation

When should you travel with Africa Adventure Vacations?

Africa Adventure Vacations is the best tour and travel company that operates across east African country taking safaris to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burundi, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Tanzania, southern Sudan, Zanzibar, Madagascar among other several countries.  You can travel with Africa Adventure Vacations any time you feel like exploring Africa’s wildness and what you need to do is just to contact us any time of your convenience and you get our reply instantly.  We arrange the tailor-made safaris which among others include the Big 5 animals of Africa, the African beach tourism, exciting and amazing gorillas trekking safaris, hiking and climbing, filming safaris, cultural safaris, birding trips among several countries. We have bundles of experience in tourism with competent staff that are ready to serve you with a memorable African experience. Just contact us to get more information on Where you can get the Kenya emergency numbers when on holiday.

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