Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park
Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park; Queen Elizabeth national park is located in western part of Uganda, the park lies between Lake Edward and Lake George a rounding Kazinga channel connecting the two. The Park has different activities and among those Lion tracking is one of the major activities practiced. Lion tracking involves one taking a. close look at the Lion and learn their behaviors. Lion are tracked in different ways according to their habitats, Lions with radio collars are tracked by researchers from Uganda carnivore project-under the research department of Uganda wild life authority. They use the radiation trackers to monitor the movement of lions with radio collar.
Lion tracking involves learning much more about the habits of the king of the jungle in plains of Kasenyi with the national park. Lion tracking is one of the most interesting tourism activities in Uganda.
Charges for lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park
The cost of a lion permit authorized by the Uganda wildlife authority in Queen Elizabeth national park is UGX 100,000 for the members of east African community and USD 50 is paid for an international tourist. On this amount paid USD 10 is given to the Uganda carnivores’ project that is responsible for the conservation of the lions in the park. This charge is inclusive to the entrance fee to Queen Elizabeth national park. Lion tracking being a research, a few people are allowed to go with the researcher to track the lions in savannah plains with in the park. Limited number of visitors are allowed to participate in the tracking this means if you are to join the team you have to book in advance in order to spare you a permit which allows you to track these lions. This activity lasts for 2-3 days and only twice a day in morning and in late afternoon.
Why are limited number of participants required in lion tracking in park?
Lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park is not like any other game viewing activities, its research. So, in order not to interrupt the research purpose like collecting the accurate data about the tracking, limited participants are allowed to engage in the lion tracking in the park.
Also limited number of participants in lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park helps to up lift your experience during the tracking. Few numbers of participants create a chance to Everly in the activity to capture clear picture and also allows the participants to watch clearly the lions before their scared away by the noise from many excited tourists.
Anther reason is to avoid stressing these animals because lion n Queen Elizabeth national park are not Familia with humans. This is truly dangerous to their eco system which could results in to decline of their races.Finally, in order to understand well the lion’s habits and behaviors as explained by researchers limited number of participants is allowed for lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park and also to keep the nature conserved.
How is lion tracking activity carried in Queen Elizabeth national park?
Time management stunning start when you are to carry out lion tracking activity in Queen Elizabeth national park. Since lion track is a research technically it should start with waking u very early in the morning at around 8am to track, monitor and research about the king of the African wildlife, African lions in mweya peninsula. The tracking of these lions must be led by researcher using radio collars and radiations locators o find where the lions are hidden. The data collected by the researchers during their study helps in conservation of the environment and better understanding of the Eco-system of wildlife.
Lions usually move in groups of 3-25 members and these groups are called prides, but however this number may slightly increase during the tracking. There it should be of more important to note the number you first see in order to avoid confusion. The male lion’s mane is black in color this is how are different from the female ones. Mainly the lionesses have no these manes, but there are should not be under taken for granted because they are some times stronger than the male ones; this is confirmed during the fights over the cabs were the lionesses fight to protect them from the male one who wants to kill them over pride.
It is good to take note of the different signs that can help to identify the lions. For example, hyenas as they laugh and other unusual distressing call for prey. You should also take note about the grass in plains this might help you in your direction where the lion has moved. There are almost 95% chances for you to see all the lions in savannah plains Queen Elizabeth national park.
Are lions in Elizabeth national park different?; Most of the people are Igga about this question by of the tree climbing lions in Lshasha. The uniqueness is the tree climbing lions of ishasha are spotted lazily hanging up in the candelabra tree branches of acacia trees in savannah plains of Queen Elizabeth national park.These rules governing them in their nature habits, for example these lions are territorial, meaning that they make territories and they have to respect this rule or else this could result in to a fight be the males due to difference, as they are called the king of the wild life the king cannot rule two kingdoms at ago.
The formation of territories is done in different ways for example; The male lion makes its territories by rubbing their mane in shrub to mark their territories. The mane of the male lion is black in color the hair is different from the hair of the female lion.
The king goes on urinating on tree stems his territory in order to protect it from being taken by another pride.
The male lion rubs its hind feet in the ground about 15cm deep. Informing that the owner of the territory in his territory.
The lions are really rulers as shown in their ways of marking territories above. This actually means male lions are conquerors and don’t want to be interrupted.
How to reach Queen Elizabeth National park
Queen Elizabeth national park can be accessed using both air transport and road transport. The Park has 3 air strips; at kasese, ishasha, and mweya air strip. By road you can access the park through Mbarara highway 242km or you can still pass through fort port which is about 236km.