Short Rwanda Gorilla Safaris

Best Uganda Birding Safaris

3-day Uganda mountain gorilla trekking safari starts in Kampala and ends at Entebbe international airport in Uganda. It involves meeting eye to-eye with the magical mountain gorillas

The western corridor of the Serengeti National Park

The western corridor of the Serengeti National Park

The western corridor of the Serengeti National Park

The western corridor of the Serengeti National Park is known as the Serengeti West, and it can be explained or described as the protruding land that follows the course of the famous Grumeti River for about 100 kilometers from Serengeti Central to Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest freshwater body. There are different rivers. Currently, there are two rivers known as the Mbalageti and the Grumeti, which form the outstanding landform features of the western corridor of the Serengeti National Park.

 All the rivers flow in the western direction in a more or less parallel western direction, and you can travel approximately 20 kilometers from one river to another river. The western corridor of the Serengeti National Park is lusher than the Seronera, and even though it has a reasonable population of resident game, it is more difficult to spot them amid the foliage. It is worthwhile to bring an assistant who is familiar with the area. This district is especially worth seeing in June and July, when the migration travels northwards from the Seronera and faces the regularly dangerous challenge of bouncing across the crocodile-infested Grumeti River. Many of the local crocs are completely dependent on this annual springtime extravaganza and spend the rest of the year in a dormant, yellow-toothed, mud-shrouded standby.

Both the Grumeti and the Mbalageti rivers in the western corridor of the Serengeti National Park offer support to areas of riverine forest cover as they move to the lake. Victoria and visitors will also be able to ski down some of the limited number of hills and mountains that are found in the same area, making the Western corridor of the Serengeti National Park one of the eye-catching events that you don’t need to completely skip. There are many permanent wildlife residents in this area, and that makes the place good for the wildlife species and for visitors to see the animals throughout the year.

As the wildebeest cross or pass through this corridor, moving to the middle of the Serengeti National Park, the event may be less wide-ranging and interesting than what is happening in the northern Serengeti National Park. Crossing the Mara River in the northern direction is very interesting as it provides a fascinating experience for the visitors. During the wildebeest migration or cycle, the Glumenet I river is the first obstacle that is posed to the wildebeest animals as they are trying to cross the river, and at that time, this is characterized by some of the wildebeest animals being affected and attacked by several predators, including the Nile crocodiles that are found in the Grumeti River.

The narrow strip of land that comprises the western corridor is relatively flat in comparison to the other northern parts of the Serengeti national park], particularly in the northern region where the land is hilly. The western corridor is mostly wet and densely vegetated compared to the southern Serengeti plains. The vegetation is a mix of woodland and open grassland, with a few whistling thorns thrown in for good measure.

What are some of the wildlife in the western corridor?

As I earlier said, there is some permeable wildlife in this section of the Serengeti National Park. Because of this, the section has consistently hosted the visitors with the most experience all of the time. The savannah grassland in the western part of the Serengeti National Park, especially in the south of the Grumeti River, has provided habitat for the several species of animals that call this great area their home. The area has a great population of giraffes that are commonly found in this western corridor. Other animals include lions, zebras, wildebeests, elephants, and other animals. However, in the northeast, there are still unexplored plains that house a large population of cheetahs. Visitors can see these animals by taking the hot air balloon safaris, which provide visitors with a great view of the great wildebeest migration from June up to the end of October.

What are some of the accommodation facilities in the western corridor?

There are many lavish safari lodges in the western corridor of the Seregeti National Park, which have been attracted by the low level of tourism in this region. On this site, it is very difficult to find mobile tents or camps, and in cases where the wildebeest migration is passing through this section, some of the mobile tents will be set up, and this is from May to June, when the area is set with interesting safari visitors.

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