Kahungye Gorilla Group
Kahungye gorilla family / group can be trekked from Rushaga sector of Bwindi impenetrable forest national park and is one of the 20 habituated gorilla families that can be trekked in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park. Briefly, Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is located in southwestern Uganda. The Park apparently has 4 regions which are Nkuringo, Buhoma, Rushaga and Ruhija each inhabiting its own troops of mountain gorillas.
Kahungye gorilla family was opened for trekking in October 2011 and just a period of 12 months the group already split forming the Busingye mountain, gorilla family. The group gets its name from Kahungye hills in the Rushaga sector where they were forest spotted by rangers, the group is dominated by Rumanzi the silverback with Rwigi and Ruhamuka. The gorilla family had 27 members at the time of Habituation but split to create a new gorilla family called the Busingye gorilla group.
Kahungye mountain gorilla family is now composed of 17 members made of 3 silverbacks, 3 adult females, 3 black backs, 3 sub-adults, 3 juveniles, and 2 infants. It should be noted that the number of gorilla families keeps changing due to breaking always, the addition of members in the group, deaths, or new births.
Kahungye gorilla family is currently ked by Gwigi the silverback. The name Gwigi means doors in Rukiga. Trekking mountain gorillas in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is $700 foreign nonresidents, $600 foreign residents, shs250,000 East African citizens. Trekked is done by only 8 people and they are allowed to stay in the absence of gorillas for only one hour as they learn about their behaviors and taking photos.
What is the best them to trek Kahungye gorilla family?
Kahungye gorilla family can be visited at any time of the year but the best time to trek this gorilla family is during the dry season which occurs from June to September and December to January. It’s during these months that the roads are passable and the trails are dry.
What to pack for Kahungye Gorilla Group Trek
Gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable forest national requires physical fitness and you need to come along with enough drinking water, energy-giving snacks, good quality camera, insect repellents, good waterproof hiking shoes, sunscreen, a hat, garden gloves, long-sleeved clothes and much more
Quick tips for travelers trekking gorillas
- Always maintain a distance of 7 meters away from mountain gorillas
- Gorilla trekking permits are sold to people ages 15 and above
- Don’t use flash cameras while taking photographs or filming the gorillas in their natural habitat
- It’s advisable to go into the jungle with your packed lunch just in case you take long hours to locate the gorilla family
- You are required to be physically fit since trekking takes you through steep slopes which are sometimes muddy.