Amboseli Park entrance fees
Looking for Park entrance fees for Amboseli National Park? Amboseli national park is a popular destination in Kenya that attracts large tourists to come from all corners of the world to explore the wildlife richness of the Amboseli national park. Amboseli national park is located in southeastern Kenya in the Kijiado country covering 392 square kilometers of land. The park is crowned by the Kilimanjaro mountain and it is known for harboring larger herds of elephants and other members of the Big 5 animals. Both Kijiado county and the Kenya Wildlife Services are involved in the management of the Amboseli National Park together with the local people surrounding the park especially the Maasai Mara local community.
The above bodies responsible for managing and running the Amboseli national park are also responsible for drafting the park entrance gees or charges to every person who is interested in visiting or exploring the national park including the charges on all activities presented by the park. Usually, people visit the Amboseli national park for different purposes including leisure, research and some of the people do visit the park for business purposes.
Yes, there are different factors that determine the Amboseli park entrance fees and all the fees paid within the park and some of these factors include the origin of the visitors or the tourists, and here we look at the visitors who are citizens, student’s adults, foreign residents, and the nonresidents and described in the detail below
Children visitor: These area visitors who are between 3 years and below 18 years old while adult visitors are regarded as the visitors who are 18 years and above
Student visitors; These are visitors who are coming from recognized institutions whether government or private and are aged up to 23 years and whose main purpose of visiting the Amboseli national park is for learning and study purposes. If your students, you will need to inform the Kenyan wildlife Services two weeks in advance of your real date of the trip. However, the fees that are paid by the students accessing the Amboseli national park exclude the students that have privately organized the trip outside the institution.
Citizens Visitors: These are the individuals of Kenyan origin that do possess a Valid National Identity card or a passport. This also goes with the individuals for the East African community member countries such the Rwanda, Burundi, and Uganda provide they possess valid national ident cards of their respective countries.
Foreigners; are the visitors who usually come and have always taken the biggest part when it comes to the tourism industry and most of the visitors visiting the Amboseli national park are Foreigners. These people move from all corners of the world to come to Kenya and other parts of Africa for leisure other than remuneration and they come to visit, and usually spend less than 3 months before they return back to their home country.
Foreign residents: these are people or visitors who have a foreign origin but do poses the residents status of Kenya and would like to explore the wildness of the Amboseli national park. Because they are ready and willing to contribute to the conservation efforts as well as revenue of the country, these people are given special rates, and these species rates are also provided or given to them so as to attract more people especially foreigners to come and tour around Kenya’s because the more they tour, the more the income that they do contribute.
The Amboseli National Park entrance fees: The park entrance fees for the Amboseli national park were set any the Kenyan Wildlife services and the park policies and this park entrance is paid by all the visitors entering or accessing the Amboseli National Park and these fees are paid through different Amboseli national park entrance gates and they are valid for 24 hours and the park entrance fees for the visitors are as follows;
For the foreign Nonresidents adults, they pay $60, children $35, and students $3. The Foreign resident’s adults pay 1030Ksh while the children pay 515Ksh while the Kenyan citizens and those of the East African Community citizen’s adults pay 860Ksh with the children paying 215Ksh
The safaris activities in the Amboseli national park are also charged differently as follows. Here I mean the activities that you engage in while in the Amboseli national park and these are charged as follows
- Night game drives per trip are charged Kenyan shillings 2155
- Cycling in Amboseli national park perk day 215 Kshs
- Waling safaris in Amboseli National Park per day 1500Kshs
- Horse riding without a rider on KWS horse 2585Kshs
- Horse riding on private conservancy per day 1030Kshs
The above charge is charged per day per person
Visitors also can have the annual passes. The Kenya wildlife services within the Amboseli national park are paid by those interested once a year and they allow the visitors to access the park for the whole year and these fees include as follows;
Adult tourists getting an annual pass at 43100Ksh, Child annual pass is at 10,340Ksh, for the corporates, they are charged an annual pass at 10,3440Ksh while the annual tour drivers pass to Amboseli National Park is at 6000Kshs
Other fees include the aircraft fees which are charged per single landing in the Kenyan shillings as follows.
Aircraft with less than 3 seats are charged 300Ksh, aircraft with 3 to 6 seats are charged 500Kshs that with 7 to 14 seats is charged 1000Kshs, that one worth 15 to 20 seats is charged 2155Kshs and an aircraft with 21 seats and above is charged 3015Ksh
For the trucks and delivery vehicles, the charges are as follows per day;
Those with 1 to 3 tones pay 515 Ksh, those with 4 70 7 tones pay 2155kshs and those with 4 to 7 tones pay 2155kshs while those tracks with above 7 tones pay 3015ksh
Still, visitors with vehicles of 5 seats and below pay 3000ksh, vehicles from 6 to 12 seats pay 1030 Ksh, vehicles from 13 to 24 seats pay 2535 Ksh, and vehicles with 25 to 44 seats pay 4050 Ksh while those above 44 seats pay 5000Ksh. These are fees are charged per day.
It is important to note that in Amboseli National Park the mode of payments for the Amboseli park entrance fees that are accepted include the Visa Card, Electronic funds transfer, Direct deposit to Kenyan Wildlife Services accounts.
Also, the park entrance fees paid are valid for 24 hours and once you have paid the park entrance fees then you will not need to pay for the game drives in the park again.