A guide to the Lobo Area in the Northern Serengeti
The northern Serengeti National Park is a hideout for several animals, and it is mostly visited by tourists who are interested in seeing plenty of wild species. The local area guide gives you an insight into what is going on in this area and exactly what happens in this great area for the benefit of the many visitors that culminate in an unrivaled wildlife experience. The Lobo area in the northern Serengeti National Park is not yet spoiled and it has got nice looking landscapes as compared to the southern Serengeti safari plains.
The area of the northern Serengeti National Park spans from the Lobo area and goes southwards into the central area, or Seronera, and it encompasses the green rolling hills, which is a unique experience for those that have been used to the flat plains of the southern part of the Serengeti National Park. Although most of the Lobo is quiet, as much, it may be worthwhile to consider, and you might go for the safari game drive without seeing a single vehicle. This is good for visitors who don’t like overcrowding. Through the rolling hills covered with a green grassy cover, the private experience
A guide to the Lobo area will introduce you to the land, which changes the moment you start crossing over from the Serengeti central regency. Although the land surrounding this point opens up wide and lands into the spacious Togoro plains, which are clear and sunbed, this is the perfect territory for the fastest predator, the cheetahs. Despite this, you will need an experienced guide to spot them, as they are shy and like to hide away from people. But with an experienced guide, you will be able to see some of the cheetahs.
From here, we continue in your safari vehicle exploring the Lobo area, and the route continues for about three to four hours of seeing the beauty of nature on both sides until you reach the start of exploring the huge hill and the rock outcrops known as the Kopjes of the Lobo area. And this is known for the three points of pride for lions that live in this area. By continuing further north, you will encounter the Mara River, which is at the border of the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park and Kenya’s Masai Mare National Reserve. There is also a rod that leads to the crashing of the vehicles from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara National Reserve, but this is closed to tourists and is only used by the security personnel.
The northern section of the Serengeti National Park is bounded by the famous Loliondo game-controlled area or service, and this spans up to the northern border of the Ngorongoro conservation area. The territory is accessible via Klein’s Gate (20 kilometers north of Lobo) and spans more than 4,000 kilometers between Serengeti National Park’s northeastern boundary and the Ngorongoro Crater Area’s northern boundary. The Maasai live in Loliondo, which serves as a cradle zone for Serengeti National Park.
 The Maasai graze their cattle among the wild animals. Within the Loliondo Area, a few safari hotels and camps are located in concession areas ranging in size from a few hundred to two or three thousand hectares. Klein’s Camp is the greatest and largest of these concessions, and it is frequently cited as one of Tanzania’s or Africa’s top untamed life viewing opportunities.
The landscapes here are unique and untamed since most visitors rarely explore this part of the Serengeti National Park. With all the means of transport that the visitor chooses to use to access this region, they will be rewarded with fantastic views. You can experience and enjoy the finery of the Kleins Camp and the visitors here because of the wonderful adventure safaris that have led them to explore more of the wildlife experience through the nature walks and the camping experience with the African adventure vacations.
Visitors will also take part in the village walks around this area to see and encounter various tribes of people and how best they have served and contributed to the conservation efforts of the Serengeti National Park. This fantastic safari experience will entice you to visit the Lobo area. Since guests are only a short distance from the recreation area’s boundaries, they are free to enjoy night drives and walking safaris of any length, as well as combine their wildlife viewing with city and town trips. As a result, the town has established clean water supplies as well as clinical and educational offices. The vast hued stone developments that surround the camp distinguish this location, and the long views across flowing plains, green hills, and water sources are breathtaking.
When can I visit the Lobo area in the northern Serengeti National Park?
A guide to the Lobo Area in the Northern Serengeti informs you of the best time to plan your safari to this wonderful area of the Serengeti National Park. To participate in the Lobo safari experience again, you must visit this area in September or October. This is due to the crossing of the great wildebeest migration from the Masai–Serengeti ecosystem area in the southern park as they head to the Serengeti National Park’s southern eastern side at this time. In addition to this, the Lobo area has seen an increase in the other wildlife animals, especially the wildebeest during July.
However, during wetter years or periods, the northward shift takes a more easterly route. It should be noted that the best times to see the migrating groups are erratic. Even so, there is a lot to see in this part of the Serengeti at different times of the year. The Lobo Hills are recognized for facilitating a few large lion points of pride, and this region supports the majority of the recreation area’s elephant population (the Lobo sector, in particular, is great for elephants, somewhat more so than the rest of Serengeti National Park. Cheetahs, leopards, spotted hyenas, and bat-eared foxes are all common, as is the gorgeous serval, a small spotted cat that is most often seen running over wide fields early in the morning. This makes the safari an interesting adventure, and please feel free to contact our website for more information and how best to book your safari experience. You will be guided through the Lobo area of the Northern Serengeti National Park